Title: Pikmin 2
Genre: Real-Time Strategy
Platform: Nintendo Wii
Region: PAL
File Type: WBFS
Scrubbed: Yes (Game Partition Only)
About this game: Part of Nintendo's New Play Control! series of titles of classic Nintendo games remade for the unique control systems of the Wii, this game brings back the first in the Pikmin series with controls designed around the Wii Remote. This second game in the Pikmin franchise improves and expands on the real-time fun offered in the first. In Pikmin 2, Captain Olimar returns to the planet he was originally stranded on, to collect trinkets for his failing company to sell back at home. A new two-character play mechanic has been added, which allows players to switch between two spacemen while collecting items. Along with the new playable character, two new Pikmin types have been included-- large hulking purple Pikmin, and small and feisty white Pikmin. Two-player co-op challenge missions and a competitive mode are also available.
NOTE: To play this game you need a chipped or soft modded Wii.
To install & play off disc:
- Download Wii Backup Manager -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=188295
- Use Wii Backup Manager to convert .wbfs file to an .iso file
- Burn .iso to DVD-R (lowest speed)
- Enjoy!
To install & play off WBFS Partition on USB Drive or SD card:
- Download Wii Backup Manager -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=188295
- Use Wii Backup Manager to add .wbfs file to your partition.
- Enjoy!
To install & play off FAT32/NTFS Partition on USB Drive or SD card:
- Download and install Configurable USB Loader -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=147638
- Create a WBFS folder in the root of your FAT32/NTFS Partition.
- Copy the torrent download into the WBFS folder
- Use Configurable USB Loader to play
- Enjoy!
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