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This book focuses on the most fundamental aspects of wireless ad-hoc networks. Topics include the design of the link layer for better performance, the study on routing protocols for higher efficiency, and practical issues in its application. These topics are crucial to build a foundation in design, implementation, deployment, and analysis of a wireless ad-hoc network. Main features include: General introduction to a wireless ad-hoc network, Performance comparison and improvement of medium access protocols, New routing paradigm and algorithms, Autoconfiguration schemes and related issues and Privacy in a vehicular ad-hoc network. MAC Protocols for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Cmparison of the Maximal Spatial Throughput of Aloha and CSMAin Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Distributed Polling Service-Based Medium Access Control Protocol: Prototyping and Experimental Validation Routing Protocols for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Graph-Based Routing, Broadcasting and Organizing Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Networks Probabilistic Routing in Opportunistic Ad Hoc Networks Reducing Routing Loops Under Link-State Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks Applications of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Review of Autoconfiguration for MANETs Privacy-Preserving Information Gathering Using VANET