Synopsis: Director Frank Darabont, who made an acclaimed feature film debut with The Shawshank Redemption (1994), based on a Stephen King novel set in a prison, returns for a second feature, based on King's 1996 serialized novel set in a prison. In 1935, inmates at the Cold Mountain Correctional Facility call Death Row "The Green Mile" because of the dark green linoleum that tiles the floor. Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks) is the head guard on the Green Mile when a new inmate is brought into his custody: John Coffey ...
SINOPSE: Ambientado em 1935, no corredor da morte de uma prisão sulista, À espera de um milagre é a história entre o chefe de guarda da prisão (Tom Hanks) com um de seus prisioneiros (Michael Clarke Duncan). Aos poucos, desenvolve-se entre eles uma relação incomum, baseada na descoberta de que o prisioneiro possui um dom mágico que é, ao mesmo tempo, misterioso e milagroso.
File Information:
FILE INFORMATION Complete name :[1999].[Anamorphic-DVDRip.WS.H264].[AC3.5.1.EN].[Subs.BR.SP.EN].F!N4LShare.mkv 1/2 DVD Original Resolution : WideScreen Anamorphic
CONTAINER INFORMATION File Size: 2.18 GB Base Type Matroska media file : [MKV] Subtype OpenDML : [264] Audio Streams : 1 Subtitle Streams : 3 Chapters Select ["Yes" or "No"] : Yes
VIDEO INFORMATION Video Codec : H264 Run Time : 3:08:39h [ 271400 frames] Encode Resolution : 712x472 Visualization Resolution : 840x472 [1.78] Anamorphic Bitrate : 1267 kbps Qf(Bits/(Pixel*Frame : 0.157 Frame rate : 23.976
AUDIO INFORMATION Audio 1: AC3 384 kb/s CBR 6ch 48kHz [-16ms] [English]
SUBTITLE INFORMATION Subtitle 1: SRT [Brazilian Portuguese] Subtitle 2: SRT [Spanish] Subtitle 3: SRT [English]
ATTACHMENT The Green Mile Brazilian Label.jpg H264.rar [SRT+ IDX/SUB{EN-BR-SP}+ CHAPTER.xml + INFO.txt]