Van Helsing 2004, DVDrip, French/English audio inuit
2009-12-12 22:02:09 GMT

During the late 19th century, legendary vampire hunter Gabriel Van Helsing is a man cursed with a past he cannot recall and driven by a mission he cannot deny. Van Helsing finds a land still mired in past, where legendary creatures of darkness come to life. A place ruled over by the evil, seductive and unbeatable vampire, Count Dracula. It is Dracula that Van Helsing has been sent to terminate. Anna Valerious is one of the last of a powerful royal family, now nearly annihilated by Dracula. A fearless hunter in her own right, Anna is bent on avenging her ancestors and ending an ancient curse by killing the vampire. Joined by a common foe, Van Helsing and Anna set out to destroy Dracula along with his empire of fear. But in challenging an enemy who never dies, Van Helsing uncovers a secret he never imagined and comes face-to-face with the unresolved mysteries of his own enshrouded past.


Synopsis : Au coeur des Carpates, il est un monde de légendes et de mystères : la Transylvanie... Une terre où le mal règne en maître absolu, où le danger rôde dès le coucher du soleil, où prennent corps les monstres qui hantent nos cauchemars les plus secrets. Van Helsing est un ténébreux professeur et chasseur de monstres. Sa mission l'amène à affronter de terribles êtres, parmi lesquels le loup-garou, la créature de Frankenstein ou encore le comte Dracula, qui, depuis des générations, persécute la famille de l'intrépide et aristocratique Anna Valerious.


Audio Français / Anglais. French/English audio Fichier contient jaquette dvd File contains dvd cover.

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