2009-11-24 14:40:20 GMT
146.59 MiB (153708914 Bytes)

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-------------------------------------------- Torrent Information --------------------------------------------


              Reverse Engineering Digital Team                 
                       PROUDLY  PRESENT                          
             i N F O                       
 DATE......: 24/11/2009                                              
 SUPPLIER..: RED TEAM                                                
 CRACKER...: RED TEAM                                                
 PACKER....: RED TEAM                                                
 TYPE......: Crack                                                   
 PROTECTION: Other                                                   
 PLATFORM..: WinAll                                                  
 SIZE......: 31x.5.00MB                                              
             N O T E S                
    Manusoft Technologies today unveiled IMOLD V9, the latest        
    version with new and exciting user driven enhancements of        
 its leading Computer-aided Mold Design (CAMD) software, IMOLD.      
    IMOLD V9 aims to bridge the gaps between mold design and         
      manufacturing through its new functions. With the new          
      version release, Manusoft also introduces a new IMOLD          
     product matrix to its current product package offering:         
                         IMOLD Standard                              
                            IMOLD EDM                                
        IMOLD Professional view the IMOLD Product Matrix             
   IMOLD EDM automates the electrode design process as well as       
   assisting the manufacturing of detailed and hard-to-machine       
     features on molds and press tools. With the increasing         
    complexity and also miniaturization of the plastic parts,        
         innovative mold manufacturing technologies like             
   Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM) and micro-EDM have become       
     more and more important. said C.H. Chiang, MD Manusoft         
   IMOLD V9 is not only SolidWorks 2009 ready but both 32 and        
    64 bit ready which, is yet another solid demonstration of        
  Manusofts intent to ensure that it is ahead of competition.       
   Beyond the label and specifications, IMOLD V9 is engineered       
   to reduce design time of mold designers worldwide with its        
    significant improvement in all round performance and help        
  reduce carbon footprints by getting the molds right  before       
                          it is built.                               
     Other significant enhancements in IMOLD V9 include such         
          areas as 1-Click splitting, Hole Pocket color              
   tagging/tolerance, and others. For full details on the new        
    features and enhancements, please refer to What's New in         
                            IMOLD V9.                                
              About Manusoft Technologies Pte. Ltd.                  
     Manusoft Technologies develops and markets powerful and         
    easy-to-use 3D computer-aided mold design (CAMD) software        
    for the precision tooling industry. Its primary strategy         
     focuses on addressing the design needs of the precision         
       tooling industry with a team of experienced tooling           
   designers to develop, train and support the solutions that        
   the company offers. As one of the pioneers in the industry,       
   we continuously strive to maintain the competitive edge by        
        leveraging on our market-driven R&D strengths and            
       establishing strategic ties with industry partners.           
   For more information, visit or contact       
     Manusoft Technologies Pte. Ltd, email:[email protected] or         
                    phone: (+65) 6775-1565.                          
                  About SolidWorks Corporation                       
    SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systmes S.A. (Nasdaq:        
  DASTY, Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA) company, develops and       
      markets software for mechanical design, analysis, and          
      product data management. It is the #1 supplier of 3D           
      mechanical design software for the mainstream market.          
        SolidWorks leads the market in number of users in            
     production, customer satisfaction, and revenue. For the         
    latest news, information, or a live online demonstration,        
    visit the companys Web site ( or call        
         1-800-693-9000 (outside of North America, call              
  IMOLD is a registered trademark of Manusoft Technologies Pte       
     Ltd. SolidWorks is a registered trademark of SolidWorks         
  Corporation. Other brand and product names are trademarks of       
                    their respective owners.                         
           R L S N F O              
                           1. read nfo                               
                            2. unpack                                
                           3. install                                
                    4. read txt replace file                         
                 5. thank you for choosing RedT                      
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