Movies : Sci-Fi : HD 1080p / 1080i : English suavecito195702 HD for PS3**
This is meant for playback on PS3 Tested on Sony Playstation 3 (Firmware 2.80) with a large screen HDTV
This file will play on a
##-PC-## With PowerDvD,VLC Media Player, ##-MAC-## using roxio toast video player 3.0 ##-X-Box-360-## releases do work if you're running windows 7 and streaming on the network through windows media center.
This file is kept under 4 gigs for easy storage (Dang FAT32!) Hi quality 2-pass H.264 standard encoding
Codec..........: H.264 Resolution.....: 1920x1080 Framerate......: 24fps Audio..........: AC3 Dolby Digital 5.1CH Surround (640Kbs) Subtitles......: None Extension......: M2TS
check out imdb for plot and cast one of my fav sci fi movies if you enjoyed the movie please seed as long as you can so other can enjoy it too