2009-07-07 07:48:02 GMT
The.Reader.2008.BRRip.Xvid.AC3 The Reader the reader reader 2008 CaLLioPE_MoNTEDiaZ CaLLioPE.MoNTEDiaZ CaLLioPE MoNTEDiaZ calliope montediaz calliope_montediaz calliope.montediaz brrip bdrip BRRip BDR

The Reader (2008)

a.k.a. Der Vorleser (Germany)

(Won Oscar. Another 11 wins & 23 nominations)

CAST Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, Jeanette Hain, David Kross, Susanne Lothar, Alissa Wilms, Florian Bartholomäi, Friederike Becht, Matthias Habich, Frieder Venus, Marie-Anne Fliegel, Hendrik Arnst, Rainer Sellien, Torsten Michaelis, Moritz Grove

PLOT THE READER opens in post-WWII Germany when teenager Michael Berg becomes ill and is helped home by Hanna, a stranger twice his age. Michael recovers from scarlet fever and seeks out Hanna to thank her. The two are quickly drawn into a passionate but secretive affair. Michael discovers that Hanna loves being read to and their physical relationship deepens. Hanna is enthralled as Michael reads to her from "The Odyssey," "Huck Finn" and "The Lady with the Little Dog." Despite their intense bond, Hanna mysteriously disappears one day and Michael is left confused and heartbroken. Eight years later, while Michael is a law student observing the Nazi war crime trials, he is stunned to find Hanna back in his life - this time as a defendant in the courtroom. As Hanna's past is revealed, Michael uncovers a deep secret that will impact both of their lives. THE READER is a story about truth and reconciliation, about how one generation comes to terms with the crimes of another. Middle aged German barrister Michael Berg recollects to himself his lifelong acquaintance with Hanna Schmitz, a relationship with whom he never disclosed to anyone close to him. Michael first met Hanna in 1958, when he was fifteen, she thirty-six. The two had a turbulent summer long love affair, dictated by Hanna that their encounters would begin with him reading to her followed by lovemaking. Michael next encountered Hanna in 1966, when Michael, now a law student, attended the Nazi war crimes trial of five female former S.S. concentration camp guards, one of whom is Hanna. Through listening to the testimony, Michael comes to the realization that he is in possession of information which could save Hanna from a life in prison, information which she herself is unwilling to disclose. In deciding what to do, Michael is torn between his differing views of justice.

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Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.