Star Wars 4 A New Hope (1977) DVD-R NTSC WS -eng/spa/fre- [Twizt
2009-04-29 07:33:28 GMT
English, French, Spanish

I'm Trying to help out djfred for all the wonderful movies he uploads

	     M O V i E   i N F O R M A T i O N * * *


George Lucas' mythological popcorn movie is a two-hour roller-coaster ride that has passed into movie legend. The story, for the tiny number of people not familiar with it, concerns a farm boy named Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) who discovers that the used robot recently purchased by his family plays back a message from one Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), begging for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke asks his father's friend Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness) about this, and he discovers that Ben and Obi-Wan are one and the same. Kenobi tells Luke of the battle of the rebels against the ruling Empire and the spiritual energy called "The Force." Soon Luke, Kenobi, and a mercenary named Han Solo (Harrison Ford) join forces to rescue Princess Leia from the Empire's mammoth warship, the Death Star, controlled by evil genius Darth Vader (David Prowse, with the voice of James Earl Jones). George Lucas has frequently cited the influence of several films on Star Wars, particularly Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo and John Ford's The Searchers, as well as the original Flash Gordon serials. After Star Wars became a success, Lucas announced his intention to turn the film into a series, originally totalling nine films (later pared back to six). Consequently, most reissue prints now feature the title Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope, with The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983) serving as Episodes Five and Six in the serial, and Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace (1999) going back to the myth's beginnings.

			M P A A  R A T I N G  * * * 

                                 Rated PG

		       R E L E A S E   D A T E  * * *

				25 May 1977


			D V D  C o n t e n t  * * * 

    Main Movie ******:
     * Video - UNTOUCHED - 2869 Kbps Widescreen
     * Audio - English, Spanish, French
     * Subs  - English, Spanish, French

    Menu ************:
     * Yes

    Extras **********:
     * All

    Ripped **********:
     * Nothing

    Chapters ********:
  1. Opening Logos [:21]

  2. Star Wars [1:33]

  3. Imperial Boarding Party [2:58]

  4. Artoo's Mission [2:35]

  5. Vader Confronts the Princess [1:26]

  6. Lost in the Desert [2:26]

  7. Land of the Jawas [4:01]

  8. Droids for Sale [3:56]

  9. In the Garage [3:53]

  10. Lars Family Dinner [1:58]

  11. Binary Sunset [2:12]

  12. Attack ont the Sand People [1:27]

  13. Meeting Old Ben [3:21]

  14. Your Father's Lightsaber [2:18]

  15. Leia's Message [2:01]

  16. The Death Star [2:11]

  17. Torched Homestead [2:35]

  18. Luke's Decision [:49]

  19. Mos Eisley Spaceport [1:49]

  20. The Cantina [3:00]

  21. Han Solo [2:05]

  22. Cornered by Greedo [1:15]

  23. Death Star Destination [1:18]

  24. Followed in the Alleys [:07]

  25. The Millennium Falcon [2:42]

  26. Alderaan's Fate [2:12]

  27. Lightsaber Training [3:57]

  28. That's No Moon... [3:05]

  29. Secret Compartment [2:05]

  30. Planning the Escape [4:10]

  31. Wookiee Prisoner [1:40]

  32. Rescuing the Princess [3:00]

  33. Into the Garbage Chute [1:55]

  34. The Trash Compactor [2:19]

  35. The Walls Close In [3:30]

  36. Deactivating the Tractor Beam [2:01]

  37. Back to the Ship [2:53]

  38. Obi-Wan Vs. Vader [3:51]

  39. The Fighter Attack [2:51]

  40. They Let Us Go [1:26]

  41. Arrival on Yavin 4 [1:30]

  42. Rebel Briefing [1:47]

  43. Han's Departure [1:12]

  44. All Pilots to Your Stations [1:59]

  45. Assault on the Death Star [4:39]

  46. Trench Runs [5:35]

  47. Use the Force, Luke [2:28]

  48. A Hero's Welcome [:41]

  49. Medal Ceremony [1:45]

  50. End Credits [3:47]

    Uploader Info ***:

    Thank you for choosing my release from others that are available on the internet already. I wanted to ask a small favor. After you have completly downloaded my release, please return back where you downloaded the movie and leave a comment. Let I know how the movie quality is others who are going to be downloading my release a better information about the upload. I actually do check the comments and i try to respond as much as possible. If you trully love this DVD, do actually buy and support the producers, writers, actors who made this movie possible Thank You [TwiztidxxNinja]

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