Synopsis: Detective Bun (Lau Ching Wan) was recognised as a talented criminal profiler until he sliced off his right ear to offer as a gift at his chief's farewell party. Branded as 'mad' and discharged from the force, he has lived in seclusion with his beloved wife May (Kelly Lin) ever since. Strangely, Bun has the ability to 'see' a person's inner personality, their subconscious desires, emotions, and mental state. When a missing police gun is linked to several heists and murders, hotshot Inspector Ho (Andy On) calls on the valuable skills of his former mentor Bun to help unlock the killer's identity. However, Bun's unorthodox methods point to a fellow detective and take a schizophrenic turn for the worse...
IMDb: IMDb Rating: 7.5/10 (1,372 votes)
Directed by: Johnny To & Ka-Fai Wai
Cast: Ching Wan Lau .... Inspector Chan Kwai Bun (as Lau Ching Wan) Andy On .... Inspector Ho Ka On Ka Tung Lam .... Ko Chi Wai (as Lam Ka Tung) Kelly Lin .... May Cheung
Title: Sun taam (2007)
AKA Mad Detective
Source: DVD / Untouched / NTSC / MoC
Size: 1.564.644.812 (1/3 DVDR)
Runtime: 01:29:50
Format: MKV
Video Codec: H264 (x264 rev.1040)
Video Bitrate: 1873 kbps
Resolution: 716x356 (Anamorphic, displayed at 2.38 AR)
Aspect Ratio: 2.38 (SAR: 32/27)
Frame rate: 23.976 fps
Audio Codec: AC3 (5.1 channels)
Audio Bitrate: 448 kbps
Sampling Rate: 48 KHz
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles (muxed in): SRT: English
SA: HP @ Level 4.1
Screenshots (anamorphic, resized to displayed AR):