Resident Evil Degeneration [2008]
Genre: Animation, Horror, Sci-Fi, Animation Year: 2008 Country: Japan Runtime: 97 min Director: Makoto Kamiya Cast: Alyson Court, Paul Mercier, Laura Bailey, Steve Blum
.: Plot :. This was the most awaited movie for me of the year since I'm a huge fan and when I heard that it is a CGI movie, it was like a dream come true. I managed to get a chance to see it and the movie is absolutely brilliant, amazing, entertaining and exciting. After I seen it I just couldn't resist myself from watching it again the next day and I seen it with a different experience for the second time. Resident Evil: Degeneration really gave you the true feeling of the game, like they have a limited time to solve their puzzle. You just don't know what's going to happen next and keeps you guessing and I really liked the look of the zombies.