Vittorio De SICA - The Children Are Watching Us (1944) CRITERION
2008-04-02 13:11:41 GMT
crieterion family drama neorealism oscar

The Children Are Watching Us (I Bambini ci guardano) (1944)

Directed by Vittorio de Sica Screenplay by Cesare Zavattini

File Size (in bytes) ..: 733,671,424 Runtime (# of frames) .: 1:24:42 (121,824 frames)

Video Codec ...........: xvid Frame Size ............: 592x448 FPS ...................: 23.976 Video Bitrate .........: 1056 kb/s Bits per Pixel ........: 0.166 bpp B-VOP, N-VOP, QPel, GMC ......: B-VOP

Audio Codec ...........: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3 Sample Rate ...........: 48000 Hz Audio bitrate .........: 86 kb/s [2 channel(s)] VBR Interleave ............: 80 ms No. of audio streams ..: 1

Subtitles in SRT and in SUB/IDX (RAR format)

Rip and subtitles by -=:ZEiNAB:=-

(:- To Raphael -:)

Criterion Collection Spine# 323

(from the Criterion Collection Essay by Peter Brunette)

...The Children Are Watching Us is an emotionally powerful, politically provocative, and formally complex film in its own right.

The Children Are Watching Us marks the first full blossoming of one of the most fruitful collaborations in world cinema history. The brilliant pairing of legendary Italian actor and hitherto commercial director Vittorio De Sica with Cesare Zavattini, the talented screenwriter who was to become the chief theorist of the neorealist movement that flourished in Italy right after World War II, created a synergy of magnificent proportions, which allowed each man to transcend his own individual limitations. Begun here, with The Children Are Watching Us, in 1944, at the height of the war, it was a collaboration that would produce the incomparable Bicycle Thieves in 1948, as well as such cinema classics as Shoeshine (1946), Miracle in Milan (1951), and Umberto D. (1952).

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