Genres: Drama, Crime/Gangster and Remake Running Time: 1 hr. 49 min. Release Date: August 12th, 2005 (wide) MPAA Rating: R for strong violence, pervasive language, and some sexual content. Distributors: Paramount Pictures
AUDIO: Espa������±ol Dolby Digital 5.1, Ingl������©s Dolby Digital 5.1
SUBT����¯�¿�½TULOS: Espa������±ol, Ingl������©s
I\\\'m drawn to movies whose trailers inspire a visceral reaction...This one\\\'s is so clich������©d...Poor old Mom gets whacked and her adopted sons go after the crooks...Still, the action in the trailer inspired me...gave me that feeling of wanting to see the bad guys get it, and after seeing the film, I can say I was not disappointed. The story moves along and does not step outside of itself. There are some intriguing plot twists, but the goal of revenge always remains. The performances are solid; we have experienced film actors and a director here who know what they\\\'re doing. Even the newer actors settle into their respective roles...
John Singleton stated he wanted to do something with a \\\"western edge\\\" and in this film he has done just that. The story could be transplanted 100 years back and still work. While there is a great deal of action, violence, and bloodshed, it is not shot with an abundance of CGI or special that end, the action looks and feels more realistic. The film pulls you in and takes you for a nice ride, which is more than can be said of a lot of recent releases...It\\\'s not going to win Oscars, but it should be a hit. It\\\'s definitely worth a look!