White Nights [1985] DVDRIP (Baryshnikov_Rossellini_Mirren)
2008-01-31 18:31:31 GMT
Aircrash ballet dancing cold war Isabella Rossellini Mikhail Baryshnikov

A Russian ballet dancer (Baryshnikov) who has defected to the West, is forced to crash land when flying over Russia and is snatched back by his old oppressors. Here, he meets a very young Isabella Rossellini (in her first feature film) as a meek Russian housewife, and is reunited with his old colleague, Helen Mirren. A breathtaking tale from the Cold War with lots of amazing, energetic dancing and a fantastic, forbidden crash landing with a 747. ("Will the person who spoke English please come back on the radio?")

Good stereo sound, was finally released on dvd last year. 136 min. with good quality. Burn tested, runs well in my divX player.

For the musically inclined: The opening sequence (where Baryshnikov seems to defy gravity) is a dramatization using Bach's Great Passacagglia in C minor, originally composed for church organ, here re-arranged for a symphony orchestra.

With English subs whenever Russian is spoken. I bought this dvd some months ago and ripped it, only to find that someone had beat me to uploading a similar rip without introducing it properly here on PirateBay. So I try and hope it works.

The DVD with Nordic subs is available from Cdon.com http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090319/

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.