FAiRViEW presents...
The Bourne Ultimatum
Title .......: The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007.CUSTOM.SWESUB.NTSC.DVDR-FAiRViEW
IMDB ........: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0440963/
Rating ......: 8.4/10 (52,277 votes)
Genre .......: Action / Adventure / Mystery / Thriller
Theatre Date : 12 September 2007 (Sweden)
Release Date : 2007-10-30
Format ......: .IMG
Audio .......: Dolby Digital 5.1 (English)
Video .......: NTSC
Menu ........: Custom
Subtitles ...: Swedish (Custom)
Playtime ....: 112 min
Rars ........: 92x50 Mb
Source ......: The.Bourne.Ultimatum.DVDR-ThP
-=Plot=- Bourne is once again brought out of hiding, this time inadvertently by London-based reporter Simon Ross who is trying to unveil Operation BlackBriar--an upgrade to Project Treadstone--in a series of newspaper columns. Bourne (Damon) sets up a meeting with Ross (Considine) and realizes instantly they're being scanned. Information from the reporter stirs a new set of memories, and Bourne must finally, ultimately, uncover his dark past whilst dodging The Company's best efforts in trying to eradicate him.
-=Needs=- We don't need anything at the moment. Any e-mails regarding p2p will result in your e-mail addy getting banned.
-=Contact=- fairview(at)hush.ai
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Sed it well !!!!!!!!!!!