The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) BRRip Oldies Dual-Audio
2020-11-14 02:16:04 GMT
2.78 GiB (2987194674 Bytes)

Release: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) BRRip Oldies Dual-Audio Title in Brazil: A Ponte do Rio Kwai Uploader: labok Size: 2,78 GB Genre: War Linguage: English Audio: English / Pt Br Runtime: 161 mins Format: MKV Resolução: 1920 x 752 Video Codec: H264 Subtittles: Pt Br Audio Codec: AAC Taxa de Biltrate: Kbps IMDB Rating: 8,1 (awaitin 200.814 users) IMDB: Directed By: David Lean


William Holden ... Shears Alec Guinness ... Colonel Nicholson Jack Hawkins ... Major Warden Sessue Hayakawa ... Colonel Saito James Donald ... Major Clipton Geoffrey Horne ... Lieutenant Joyce André Morell ... Colonel Green Peter Williams ... Captain Reeves John Boxer ... Major Hughes Percy Herbert ... Grogan Harold Goodwin ... Baker Ann Sears ... Nurse Heihachirô Ôkawa ... Captain Kanematsu Keiichirô Katsumoto ... Lieutenant Miura M.R.B. Chakrabandhu ... Yai


During WW II, allied POWs in a Japanese internment camp are ordered to build a bridge to accommodate the Burma-Siam railway. Their instinct is to sabotage the bridge, but under the leadership of Colonel Nicholson they're persuaded the bridge should be built to help morale, spirit. At first, the prisoners admire Nicholson when he bravely endures torture rather than compromise his principles for the benefit of Japanese Commandant Colonel Saito, but soon they realise it's a monument to Nicholson, himself, as well as a form of collaboration with the enemy.

Sinopse Pt Br:

Com uma produção espetacular e vencedor em sete categorias do Oscar (1957), incluindo as de melhor filme, melhor diretor e melhor ator (Alec Guinness), A ponte do Rio Kway continua a ser uma das mais inesquecíveis obras do cinema de todos os tempos. Após um amplo trabalho de restauração digital utilizando os mais modernos recursos, restauração essa, feita a partir dos negativos originais e com áudio 5.1, também restaurado, desfrute da obra prime do diretor David Lean numa intensidade nunca vista antes

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