American Beauty (1999) BRRip Oldies Dual-Audio
2020-11-03 23:31:47 GMT
2.51 GiB (2693193617 Bytes)

Release: American Beauty (1999) BRRip Oldies Dual-Audio Title in Brazil: Beleza Americana Uploader: labok Size: 2,50 GB
Genre: Drama Linguage: English Audio: English / Pt Br Runtime: 122 mins Format: MKV Resolução: 1024 x 436 Video Codec: H264 Subtittles: Pt Br Audio Codec: AC-3 Taxa de Biltrate: 192 Kbps IMDB Rating: 8,3 (awaiting 1.056.232 users) IMDB: Directed By: Sam Mendes


Kevin Spacey ... Lester Burnham Annette Bening ... Carolyn Burnham Thora Birch ... Jane Burnham Wes Bentley ... Ricky Fitts Mena Suvari ... Angela Hayes Peter Gallagher ... Buddy Kane Allison Janney ... Barbara Fitts Chris Cooper ... Colonel Fitts Scott Bakula ... Jim Olmeyer Sam Robards ... Jim Berkley Barry Del Sherman ... Brad


After his death sometime in his forty-third year, suburbanite Lester Burnham tells of the last few weeks of his life, during which he had no idea of his imminent passing. He is a husband to real estate agent Carolyn Burnham and father to high school student Janie Burnham. Although Lester and Carolyn once loved each other, they now merely tolerate each other. Typical wallflower Janie too hates both her parents, the three who suffer individually in silence in their home life. Janie tries to steer clear of both her parents. Carolyn, relatively new to the real estate business, wants to create the persona of success to further her career, she aspiring to the professional life of Buddy Kane, the king of the real estate business in their neighborhood. Lester merely walks mindlessly through life, including at his job in advertising. His company is downsizing, and he, like all the other employees, has to justify his position to the newly hired efficiency expert to keep his job.

Sinopse Pt Br:

Lester Burham não suporta mais a própria vida. Um casamento sem paixão, uma filha com quem não tem nenhum contato, um emprego medíocre. Quando conhece Angela Hayes, colega da sua filha, fica encantado e resolve dar a volta por cima: pede demissão, passa a cuidar mais do corpo e a fazer tudo o que sempre quis.Mas,no subúrbio onde mora, o novo comportamento de Lester ameaça a vidinha comportada e feita de aparências, o que lhe pode custar bem caro

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