Betty Blue (1986) BRRip Oldies
2020-11-01 01:18:36 GMT
1.73 GiB (1861079404 Bytes)

Release: Betty Blue (1986) BRRip Oldies Title in Brazil: Betty Blue Uploader: labok Size: 1,73 GB
Genre: Drama Linguage: French Runtime: 120 mins Format: MKV Resolução: 1280 x 766 Video Codec: H264 Subtittles: Pt Br Audio Codec: AC-3 Taxa de Biltrate: 192 Kbps IMDB Rating: 7,4 (awaiting 17.643 users) IMDB: Directed By: Jean-Jacques Beineix


Jean-Hugues Anglade ... Zorg Béatrice Dalle ... Betty Gérard Darmon ... Eddy Consuelo De Haviland ... Lisa Clémentine Célarié ... Annie Jacques Mathou ... Bob Vincent Lindon ... Richard le jeune policier Jean-Pierre Bisson ... Le commissaire (complete version) Dominique Pinon ... Le dealer / Dope dealer (complete version) Bernard Hug ... (complete version) Catherine D'At Claude Aufaure ... Le médecin Louis Bellanti ... Mario Dominique Besnehard ... Client pizzeria Raoul Billerey ... Le vieux policier Nathalie Dalyan ... Maria Nicolas Jalowyj ... Le petit Nicolas André Julien ... Le vieux Georges


Zorg is a handyman working at the seaside in France, maintaining and looking after the wooden bungalows. He lives a quiet and peaceful life, working diligently and writing in his spare time. He is in love with Betty, a young woman who is as beautiful as she is wild and unpredictable. After a dispute with Zorg's boss, they leave and Betty finds a place to stay at her girlfriend's house. The girlfriend's lover owns an Italian restaurant and there they find a job. She is obsessed to try to get one of Zorg's books published, but it is rejected, which makes Betty fly into a rage. Suddenly, Betty's wild manners start to get out of control. Zorg sees the woman he loves slowly going insane. Is his love for Betty strong enough, if even if it comes to the worst?

Sinopse Pt Br:

Zorg é um faz-tudo que cuida de vários bangalôs de praia na França. Ele vive uma vida tranquila, trabalhando seriamente e escrevendo no seu tempo livre. Um dia, Betty aparece em sua vida, uma jovem tão linda quanto selvagem e imprevisível. Inesperadamente, o jeito irreverente de Betty começa a fugir do controle. Zorg percebe que a mulher que ama está lentamente ficando louca. Quando o relacionamento dos dois se torna um caos, será que o amor pode prevalecer?

Release: Betty Blue (1986) BRRip Oldies Title in Brazil: Betty Blue Uploader: labok Size: 1,73 GB
Genre: Drama Linguage: French Runtime: 120 mins Format: MKV Resolução: 1280 x 766 Video Codec: H264 Subtittles: Pt Br Audio Codec: AC-3 Taxa de Biltrate: 192 Kbps IMDB Rating: 7,4 (awaiting 17.643 users) IMDB: Directed By: Jean-Jacques Beineix


Jean-Hugues Anglade ... Zorg Béatrice Dalle ... Betty Gérard Darmon ... Eddy Consuelo De Haviland ... Lisa Clémentine Célarié ... Annie Jacques Mathou ... Bob Vincent Lindon ... Richard le jeune policier Jean-Pierre Bisson ... Le commissaire (complete version) Dominique Pinon ... Le dealer / Dope dealer (complete version) Bernard Hug ... (complete version) Catherine D'At Claude Aufaure ... Le médecin Louis Bellanti ... Mario Dominique Besnehard ... Client pizzeria Raoul Billerey ... Le vieux policier Nathalie Dalyan ... Maria Nicolas Jalowyj ... Le petit Nicolas André Julien ... Le vieux Georges


Zorg is a handyman working at the seaside in France, maintaining and looking after the wooden bungalows. He lives a quiet and peaceful life, working diligently and writing in his spare time. He is in love with Betty, a young woman who is as beautiful as she is wild and unpredictable. After a dispute with Zorg's boss, they leave and Betty finds a place to stay at her girlfriend's house. The girlfriend's lover owns an Italian restaurant and there they find a job. She is obsessed to try to get one of Zorg's books published, but it is rejected, which makes Betty fly into a rage. Suddenly, Betty's wild manners start to get out of control. Zorg sees the woman he loves slowly going insane. Is his love for Betty strong enough, if even if it comes to the worst?

Sinopse Pt Br:

Zorg é um faz-tudo que cuida de vários bangalôs de praia na França. Ele vive uma vida tranquila, trabalhando seriamente e escrevendo no seu tempo livre. Um dia, Betty aparece em sua vida, uma jovem tão linda quanto selvagem e imprevisível. Inesperadamente, o jeito irreverente de Betty começa a fugir do controle. Zorg percebe que a mulher que ama está lentamente ficando louca. Quando o relacionamento dos dois se torna um caos, será que o amor pode prevalecer?

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