Kompa G. Parameter Extraction...Nonlinear Transistor Models 2020
2020-09-12 18:29:06 GMT
45.13 MiB (47317049 Bytes)

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This book addresses the modeling of microwave field effect transistors (FETs) for circuit design with a focus on accurate measurement-based device characterization and physics based consistent model parameter extraction covering a frequency range up to 120 GHz. Introduction Transistor Concepts: MESFET, HEMT, and HBT Classification of Transistor Models Classical Shockley Model and Enhanced Modifications Extrinsic Transistor Network at DC Estimation of Model Element Values Based on Device Physical Data Small-Signal Transistor Model Complexity Reliable Parameter Estimates from Low-Frequency Measurements Static-/Pulsed-DC Measurements for the Analysis of Thermal and Trapping Effects Vector Network Analyzer: Operation Principle and Error Models Uncertainties in the Device Modeling Process Optimization Methods for Model Parameter Extraction Extraction Methods: An Overview All-at-once Model Parameter Extraction Decomposition-Based Extraction Methods Bidirectional Search Method Pure Analytical Model Parameter Extraction Analytical Model Parameter Extraction Using Rational Functions Repetitive Random Optimization and and Adaptive Search Space Bias-Dependence of Source and Drain Resistances Model Parameter Extraction with Measurement-Correlated Parameter Starting Values Basics of Nonlinear FET Modeling Non-Quasi-Static Transistor Model Large-Signal Measurement Techniques for Device Characterization and Model Verification Popular Nonlinear FET Models: Capabilities and Limitations Nonlinear Transistor Model Verification Appendices: Generic Two-Port Matrix Transistor Model Direct Measurement of Series Resistances Parameter Extraction Relations for Inner FET Branch Topologies Embedding the Intrinsic Model into an Extrinsic Network Derivation of Riccati Equation General N-Port and Two-Port Admitance Matrix

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