-=Ninja OS=- 64-bit only
Ninja OS, is a Live Operating System based on GNU, Linux, Arch, X11, and XFCE4.
Ninja Is Not Just Arch
Ninja OS: The operating system for operators.
Homepage: http://ninjaos.org
¡OFFICIAL RELEASE - Version 0.12.1!
This is a minor release. Mostly version bumps, but some notable features.
- New Kernel. based on 5.4 added -hardened patch set from Arch. This provides ability to lock USB ports with kernel parameter as well.
1a. Self Destruct now forbids new USB connections 1b. Lockscreen now locks USB ports, previous lockstate restored upon unlock 1c. usbctl tool, and menu item for controlling USB lock state
CDN - Downloads and projects are now sourced from the CDN. Should provide a bigger
slock patched with bgimage set for using a image file for the lockscreen background. Will be used as camoflauge in future versions.
Version bumps
Minor tweaks
Some work on Ninja EWS/IDS
¡OFFICIAL RELEASE - Version 0.12.1!