Wikipedia: "Train to Busan is a 2016 South Korean zombie film...The film mostly takes place on a train to Busan as a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out in the country and threatens the safety of the passengers. The film premiered in the...2016 Cannes Film Festival...the film set a record as the first Korean film of 2016 to break the audience record of over 10 million theatergoers."
I did not find any decent, typo-free subtitles and therefore I created my own, using the "BluRay.x264.VPPV" version as a source. This version has HARD-CAPTIONED English; that is, English subtitles are burned into the video.
I did the following:
- Edited the subtitled profanity to remove translated English curse words
- Converted various units & words to U.S. equivalents
- Watched the movie and made detailed notes
- Corrected many typos, added italics for voiceover or radio speech
- Re-processed the movie using Handbrake to burn the subtitles into the video
Format: MP4 Format info: Audio Video Interleave Total file sizes: 1.70 GB Total duration: 1 hour, 58 minutes, 8 seconds Overall bitrate: 2056 Kbps
Video format: MPEG-4 Video Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1) Video bitrate: 1800 Kbps Video width: 1280 pixels Video height: 720 pixels Video frame rate: 23.976 fps Video decoded format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV Video scan type: Progressive
Audio format: MPEG AAC Audio (mp4a) Audio language: Korean Audio bitrate mode: Constant Audio bitrate: 256 Kbps Audio channel(s): 2 Audio sampling rate: 48 KHz
Subtitles: English as hard captions
My edited SRT subtitle file is included for reference, but is not necessary for viewing the movie