Set in the near future, the film follows Teresa (Bárbara Colen), who comes home to Bacurau, a village in Brazil's semi-arid sertão, to attend her grandmother's funeral. Upon her arrival, Teresa immediately observes signs that Bacurau is in dire straits. Basic amenities are in short supply, mobile-phone coverage is fading, clean water supply is dammed and the truck that brings potable water arrives riddled with bullet holes. It soon becomes apparent that the corrupt government has forsaken the village completely: not only has Bacurau been literally erased from the map, but its citizens are under attack. As the responsible close in, the villagers must prepare an organized resistance to avoid greater damage.
Language: Portuguese / English
Subs srt: English
Genre: Action / Drama / Mystery
Format : AVI Codec ID : XVID File size : 2.25 GB Duration : 2h 11 min Video bit rate : 2315 kb/s Width : 1280 pixels Height : 720 pixels Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Frame rate : 23.976 FPS Codec ID/Hint : MP3 Audio bit rate : 128 kb/s