"Black Panther" by Marvel Studios follows T'Challa, who, after the death of his father, the king of Wakanda, returns to the isolated and technologically advanced African nation to succeed the throne and take his place as king. But when an old and powerful enemy reappears, the courage of T'Challa as king - and Black Panther - is tested when he is attracted by a formidable conflict that puts at risk the destiny of Wakanda and of the whole world. In the face of betrayal and danger, the young king must gather his allies and unleash the full power of the Black Panther to defeat his enemies and ensure the safety of his people and way of life.
Video Codec: H.264 - x264 Audio Codec: AC3 / AAC Audio Language: Portuguese / English Video Quality: BRRIP 3D 1080p Resolution: 1920x1012 Frame Rate: 23.98 Fps
Black Panther BRRip 1080p IMAX 3D 2018 Half SBS x264-DUAL