Title: The Boss Baby
Description: Seven-year-old Tim Templeton has always been a boy of an overactive imagination, and for the past seven years, life was all peaches for him, getting all the love and affection from his caring parents. However, life will never be the same and Tim won't be the centre of attention anymore as the arrival of an improbable new brother named Boss Baby, dressed in a black suit complete with a tie and a briefcase, will shortly rob him of all love, as he takes over the whole Templetons' house.
Year: 2017
Director: Tom McGrath
Writers: Michael McCullers, Marla Frazee
Stars: Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Tobey Maguire, Miles Bakshi, James McGrath, Conrad Vernon, ViviAnn Yee, Eric Bell Jr.
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Language: English
RELEASE.....................: The.Boss.Baby.2017.1080p.BluRay.x264.VPPV
VIDEO.......................: 3000
CODEC.......................: x264
RUNTIME.....................: 97 min
RESOLUTION..................: 1920x816
FRAME RATE..................: 23.976 fps
AUDIO.......................: 5.1 Channel / AAC / 384kbps
FILE SIZE / FORMAT..........: 2.31 GiB / MKV
SOURCE......................: BluRay
Warning!!! Images may contain spoilers!!!
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