In this course, you'll learn how to add or remove a domain controller from a domain, install a domain controller from install from media (IFM), install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) on Server Core, upgrade a domain controller, resolve DNS SRV record registration issues, configure a global catalog server, deploy Active Directory IaaS in Microsoft Azure, create, copy, configure, and delete users and computers, configure templates, configure user rights, automate the creation of Active Directory accounts, manage inactive and disabled accounts, perform bulk Active Directory operations, offline domain join, create, copy, configure, and delete groups and OUs, configure group nesting, enumerate group membership, convert groups, including security, distribution, universal, domain local, and domain global, manage group membership using Group Policy, delegate the creation and management of Active Directory objects, and manage default Active Directory containers. This is one of Pluralsight's all-new courses covering the revised 70-410 exam