The Thing & Barry Guy ~ Metal! ~ 2012 NoBusiness Records NBLP 47/48. Digital version.
1 Lanthanum 2 Cerium 3 Praseodymium 4 Neodymium 5 Promethium 6 Samarium 7 Europium 8 Gadolinium 9 Terbium 10 Dysprosium 11 Ride The Sky
Mats Gustafsson: baritone, tenor, slide saxophones Ingebrigt Håker Flaten: bass (left) Barry Guy: bass (right) Paal Nilssen-Love: drums
In science, a substance which causes an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction is called a catalyst. In musical combinations, the inclusion (or sometimes even subtraction) of one player can have a similar result, often completely altering the regular dynamic. So it proves on Metal! where Scandinavian power trio The Thing are transformed by the addition of English bass maestro Barry Guy. However the foursome's interplay, captured in sparkling sound from a live date in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, smacks of alchemy transcending any more prosaic chemical process... - John Sharpe, All About Jazz