Zorin OS 12 Core - 64 bit (11-20-2016)
2016-12-05 04:11:27 GMT
linux ubuntu operating system

Basically another fork of Ubuntu that mimics the Windows 10 flat appearance. Has a custom desktop with various configurations that copy the layouts of Windows XP, Windows 7, and Gnome3. There is an Ultimate version for extra desktop configurations, but honestly I consider it more of a ~$25.00 donation. From what I read there isn't a "upgrade" system and if you do buy the Ultimate version you will need to do a fresh install.

"Zorin OS is a replacement for Windows and macOS, designed to make your computer faster, more powerful and secure.

With the Zorin Desktop environment, it's easy to do just about anything with your computer. Zorin Appearance lets you change the desktop to resemble the environment you're familiar with, whether it's Windows, macOS or Linux. Zorin OS has been designed to fit the way you use your computer, so you won't need to learn a thing to get started."

System Requirements: CPU: 1 GHz Single Core RAM: 1.5 GB Storage: 10 GB (Core) or 20 GB (Ultimate) Display: 800 × 600 resolution

Home & Features Page: https://zorinos.com/

Install & Checksum Information: https://zorinos.com/help/install-zorin-os/

I won't be able to seed from 12am - 3pm (UTC-6) during the weekdays. Hopefully I didn't forget anything, this is my first torrent since 2009. The download speeds off the website were terrible and I quite fancy this OS so I figured I'd throw em' up

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.