2016-11-16 10:22:22 GMT
33.53 MiB (35158793 Bytes)

What's new in 1.0.3 version ✔ Added new levels

"Labirinth" is a fascinating game representing a maze through which you should roll a ball going round the obstacles and hit it into the finishing hole as fast as possible. The labirynth ball is moved by the accelerometer of your device that ensures that your control of the process is maximally simple and comfortable. Unusual maps and different levels of their complexity make the game interesting and accessible to all the users, including children aged 3 to 5.

Key features:

✔ There are multiple map sets in “Labirinth”; they are divided into the following levels of complexity: easy, normal, hard, original. The ‘original’ set includes a lot of original colorful maps with the labyrinth patterns of interesting locations and objects and exceptional teleport holes that help to pass difficult levels. In addition, you can open a secret level by moving a ball on the home page of the game through a certain combination.

✔ Change the ball depending on the level of the puzzle, choose the appropriate speed, rebound force, and maneuverability, and you will be able to go round all the obstacles and and hit the ball into the maze finishing hole as quickly as possible.

✔ In the course of the game you can receive additional rewards for the tasks completion if you hit a ball into a hole within a definite time limit etc.

✔ Share your results in social media by competing for the achievements with your friends.

✔ Flexible settings allow to turn on and turn off sounds, background music, and vibration when meeting obstacles, choose the interface languages, and calibrate the accelerometer for a better position of the labyrinth and accuracy of handling.

✔ A map editor that can be found on the developer’s official website enables you to create your own locations with interesting mazes and levels of complexity free of charge.

This labyrinth game is available in 14 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, Polish, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Azerbaijanian, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.