This is an interactive story that takes place in a distant future. After eons of spreading across the cosmos, humanity has lost its way back. Peer into a forgotten galaxy to rediscover our planet of origin through the lens of a deep space telescope, and help the childlike robot Emeth carry on his creator's will, as he realizes a greater purpose inside his tiny mechanical heart.
If you've ever tried looking for a story driven experience on a quiet evening, this is for you.
STORY Experience a touching story of purpose, pursuit and loneliness through unique play.
EXPLORE Soar through a boundless sky full of beauty, and a ship full of secrets, crafted for hours of exploration.
MUSIC Enjoy a full soundtrack of original music from composer Triodust, woven deeply into every corner of the game.
"...this game is powerful in the emotion of the story it's telling... be sure there is a tissue nearby. ” ~ Lori.h (jayisgames) < BEST MEANINGFUL PLAY> Nomination at 12th International Mobile Gaming Awards
What’s new:
- Earth locator module has been redesigned and improved
- New paint jobs for Emeth are available for purchase
- Redesigned shop UI ADJUSTMENTS
- Minor bug fixes
Required Android O/S : 4.1+