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Title: Futuresex Year: 1985 Country: USA Alternate Title: Future Sex Director: Lawrence T Cole Starring: Amber Lynn, Erica Idol (as Erika Idol), Gail Sterling, Jill Ferari (as Jill Ferrari), Lili Marlene, Lynx Canon, Billy Dee, Blair Harris, Chris Chase (as Christian Chase), Dan T. Mann, Hershel Savage (as Herschel Savage), Jonathon Younger (as Jonathan Younger), Mike Horner, Paul Thomas, Rocky Balboa (as Rocky) Time: 01:15:22 Size: 1.11 GiB Resolution: 640x480 Type of file: MP4 About: There will someday come a time when LOVE will be forbidden and LUST will be mandatory. The time is now in FUTURESEX! The law is set down by Older Brother: Love is Seduction; Lust is Loyalty. You'll witness the outer limits of base human sexuality-no kissing, no heart-only lust... Amber Lynn is Commander of Room 101, where those afflicted with love are cured with pure lust. Paul Thomas assists as they succeed in curing many cases in Room 101-using the Laser Bed, the Cage, and Chrome Bars-each person willingly pressing the "Betrayal" button as pure lust replaces feelings and love