CONTAINS: All 696 torrent metadata files for the Weeklies (and occasional other Timelies) posted from TPB accounts and as well as from KAT account since April 2012.
FORMATTING: I drastically shortened and systematized the filenames, which now consist of four snippets (aka "tokens"), separated by underscores.
Example (Weekly): tpb.07696241_2012.09.26_HL.03.R1_T-X.torrent
Example (Monthly): tpb.07743121_2012.10.00_HL.02.R2_A-Z.torrent
Example (Annual): tpb.09450218_2013.00.00_0D.01.R1_9-Z.torrent
Token 1) Torrent identifier. I put this on the left to achieve chronological order; can be used to directly construct TPB/KAT upload page URLs.
Token 2) Date per torrent name. Ordinary dates refer to Weeklies, while those with a 00 in the day/month positions refer to the Monthlies/Annuals.
Token 3) Type of torrent. In order, 0D(ay) or H(it)L(ist), part number, and revision (1 for regulars, 2 for fixes, repacks, fillers, et cetera).
Token 4) Initial letters of first and last files listed in the .torrent file. Occasionally meaningless when a torrent was ordered by filesize.
NOTE: The first and last tokens are derived systematically, while the others deliberately preserve any mistakes made in the original torrent names