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Title: Magic Girls Year: 1985 Country: USA Alternate Title: Come to Me Director: Peter Weiner Starring: Arlana Blue (as Anita Mann), Gloria Leonard (as Aria Ola), Jenny Baxter (as Lucy Woods), Marlene Willoughby (as Mary Hadda), Veri Knotty (as Nancy Knibb), Sharon Mitchell, Suzanne McBain, Ursula Austin, Vanessa del Rio, Paula Morton (as Wanda Getz), Bobby Astyr, Dave Innis, David Christopher, David Williams, Peter Andrews, Wade Nichols Time: 00:58:59 Size: 693 Mb Resolution: 640x480 Type of file: AVI About: Here is a loop collection featuring Vanessa Del Rio and other Avon stars in filthy XXX fucking. This film shows some of the greatest sex consisting of blowjobs, pussy licking, threesomes, foursomes, solo masturbation and even interracial. So you get a nice variety of the classic porn where everything was natural and all about fucking. Enjoy!