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Sin City A Dame to Kill For 2014 1080p
Size: 3.23 GB Format: Matroska Chapters count: 16 Stream count: 3 Duration: 01:42:09 Bit rate: 4528 kb/s Meta info: title: Sin City A Dame to Kill For (2014) creation_time: 2014-11-23 03:58:26
Stream 0 Type: video Codec: h264 Codec profile: Main Width: 1920 Height: 1040 Sample aspect ratio: 1:1 Display aspect ratio: 24:13 Pixel format: yuv420p Frame rate: 23.81 fps Default: YES Meta info: BPS: 3887441
Stream 1 Type: audio Codec: ac3 Bit rate: 192 kb/s Sample rate: 44100 Hz Sample format: s16 Channel: 2 Default: YES Meta info: BPS: 191999 title: Spa language: spa
Stream 2 Type: audio Codec: ac3 Bit rate: 448 kb/s Sample rate: 48000 Hz Sample format: s16 Channel: 6 Meta info: title: Eng language: eng
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