CONTAINS: 616 torrent metadata files, covering all Weeklies (plus a few Monthlies and one Annual) posted in the stated period by and , in five lightly compressed archives.
FORMATTING: I drastically abbreviated and systematized the filenames, which now consist of four snippets (or "tokens", in programmerese), separated by underscores.
Example (Weekly): 7696241_2012.09.26_HL.03.R1_T-X.torrent Example (Monthly): 7743121_2012.10.00_HL.02.R2_A-Z.torrent Example (Annual): 9450218_2013.00.00_0D.01.R1_9-Z.torrent
First snippet: TPB torrent identifier. I put this on the left to get them in chronological order; can be used to construct the upload page URL directly.
Second snippet: Date per torrent name. Ordinary dates mean Weeklies, while the ones with a 00 in the day/month position are Monthlies/Annuals, respectively.
Third snippet: Type of torrent. In order, 0D(ay) or H(it)L(ist), part number, and revision (1 for regulars, 2 for "fixes", "repacks", "fillers", et cetera).
Fourth snippet: Initial letters of first and last files contained. Note that this is meaningless in the rare cases in which torrents were not alphabetized.
NOTE: Any mistakes made in the original titles are (deliberately) preserved here, so trust the first and last tokens rather than the ones in-between, whenever in doubt