Five years after convincing the inhabitants of his village that dragons should not be fought, Hiccup (voiced by Jay Baruchel) lives with his Night Fury dragon, and these animals peacefully integrated into the routine of the residents of the island of Berk. Between trips by heavens and racing dragons, Hiccup discovers a secret cave where hundreds of new dragons live. The site is protected by Valka (voiced by Cate Blanchett), mother of Hiccup, who was removed from the child when he was a baby. Together, they will need to protect the world who know the dangerous Drago Bludvist (Djimon Hounson), you want to control all existing dragons.
Title in Portuguese: How to Train Your Dragon 2 Original Title: How to Train Your Dragon 2 Country of Origin: United States Genre: Animation Running time: 1 hours and 42 minutes Director: Dean DeBlois Release Year: 2014 IMDB Link:
Size: 12:38 GB File Extension: .MKV Video Quality: Blu-Ray Video Codec: H.264 / AVC Audio Codec: AC3 / DTS Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Audio Language: Portuguese / English Subtitles: Portuguese