Title: The Exorcist
Released: 1973 Length: 02:12:10 Size: 1.38 GB Genre: Horror, Drama, Thriller
Plot: A teenage girl (Linda Blair) is possesed by the demon Lucifer. Her mother seeks help from two clergy priests who plan to perform a holy exocism on the troubled victim when hospitalization and medical help are of no avail. However, the young girl has seemingly super powers from the dark side and rebukes the attempts of the sacramental church's efforts to cure the child's illness.
Starring: Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn, Max Von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn, Jack MacGowran, Jason Miller, William O'Malley, Barton Heyman, Peter Masterson.
Video Codec: H.264 Format: .avi Bitrate: 1306 kbps Resolution: 720x540 Aspect: 4:3 Frame Rate: 29 frames/sec.
Audio Codec: .mp3 Bitrate: 192 kbps Channels: 2 (Stereo) Sample: 48 kHz Volume: 100%
Warner Brothers