Popcorn Time v0.3.4 (Windows/Linux/Mac) - Because It's Cold Outs
2014-10-06 22:03:16 GMT
Popcorn Time
Popcorn Time 0.3.4
Popcorn Time
Watch Movies and TV Shows instantly
v0.3.4 - Because It's Cold Outside
- Now comes with release names
- More resiliant to APIs falling down
- HiDPI support, scales properly on 1080p, 2k/Retina and 4k/QHD screens.
- Update 'about' view.
- New watchlist view, automatically synced to trakt.
- Better caching of network calls, makes the app more snappy.
- [TV] Auto-Play next episode.
- New themes infrastructure allows for easier integration with community themes.
- New translation infrastructure allows for easier integration with community translations.
- A lot of bugfixes and under-the-hood changes.
- All dependencies have been updated.
- Move to self-hosted repo, you can now find us at http://git.popcorntime.io
- Use FontAwesome instead of PNG's: nicer sharper icons accross the UI
- Get rid of white flash at startup
- Rethink Settings: much cleaner layout, separated in advanced
- Themes: we give you 3 new themes to check out, and soon you'll be able to submit your own
- HTTP Api: to control Popcorn Time from another application
- New settings: Always on Top option
v0.3.2 Features:
- HD TV Shows
- Trakt.tv Integration
- Keyboard Navigation
- Minor bug fixes
v0.3.1 Features:
- Added mirror failback to yify subtitles.
- Add icons and links to about dialog
- Add methods to mark movie as watched
- Added quality filter for movies
- Added Advanced Settings with Connection, DHT, Tmp Folder options
- Pressing ESC to closes modals
- Added a help view for keyboard shortcuts. Press ?
- Draggable subtitles. Move subtitles around the player
- Drag and drop subtitles on the player to load a custom SRT file
- Better init screen
- Added Croatian, Thai and Vietnamese languages
- Subtitles are searched by filename for better results
- Rebuild TV Show API Endpoint with live data
- Subtitles encode fixes.
- Copy stream URL to clipboard directly. Press U
- Catch exception to prevent blocking on initDb
- Description pass behind the "Watch" button
- Fix watched list.
- Can't use scrollbar
- Movie list after close movie
- Glitches, jumps, lag in TV Shows, Performance gain in Movies
- Scrollbar issues on episode descriptions
- Top menu hidden in TV Shows
- Pressing ESC cancels/stops download on "Downloading" screen
- TV Show search keywords can be in any order
- Close movie detail on search
- Portuguese subtitle encoding
- Greek subtitles encoding
- Fastest app opening
- Auto updater
v0.3.0 Features:
- TV Series
- A brand new interface
- User settings
- Bookmarks
- Watched history
- More codec support (avi support added)
- More languages
- Rebranded player
- Keyboard shortcuts
Made with ❤ by a bunch of geeks from All Around The World
Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.