Title: Salvador
Released: 1985 Length: 02:02:17 Size: 1.19GB Genre: Drama, Biography, Action, Romance
Plot: Richard Boyle (James Woods) is a journalist from LA who craves for an epic expose' and a steady job. After driving to El Salvador to explore and archive the atrocities of war during the military coup in 1980 he teams up with a comrade and fellow journalist John Cassady (John Savage) who is there for the same reason. Richard has formed a working relationship with the guerillas who need to get their political struggles publicized. At the same time he is being encouraged to produce reconnaissance photos for the US backed military of the rebel fighters. To get the story they need the journalists put themselves on the front lines of battle and are subsequently in constant life threatening danger.
Starring: James Woods, John Savage, Michael Murphy, James Belushi, Elpidia Carrillo, Valerie Wildman, Tony Plana, Colby Chester, and Cynthia Gibb.
Video Codec: H.264 Format: .avi Resolution: 720x540 Aspect: 4:3 Total Bitrate: 1208 kbps Frame Rate: 29 frames/sec.
Audio Bitrate: 192 kbs Codec: .mp3 Channels: 2/stereo Sample: 48kHz Volume: 100%
Hemdale Film