CBT Nuggets - Building a Network Design that Works
2014-08-19 14:45:59 GMT
CBT Nuggets Cisco CCNA CCNP DESGN Professional Course Jeremy Cioara

Professional Course: Building a Network Design that Works by Jeremy Cioara https://www.cbtnuggets.com/it-training-videos/course/cbtn_pro_course_network_design

This Professional Course represents the "real world" of network design and implementation, allowing you to build a network from the ground up by applying proper design strategies in planning (PMP), layer 2 (switching), wireless, firewall, monitoring, and diagraming.

Recommended equipment: Cisco Small Business Switch (SG300, SG500) Ubiquiti UAP-LR Sonicwall TZ105 VMWare Workstation, VirtualBox, or equivalent virtualization software

The CBT Nuggets Professional Course: Building a Network Design that Works is the first-of-its-kind, deep-dive into real world network design and implementation! Rather than focusing on a specific vendor technology, this professional course takes an entirely hands-on approach to get the job done the right way, giving you exactly what you need and nothing more, on a variety of network technologies. This CBT Nuggets professional course guides you through the major pillars of network technology: Switching, Firewall, Wireless, Network Monitoring, and Network Diagraming (using Microsoft Visio). Each of the sections are designed as independent “modules,” allowing you to pick exactly the topics you need for your specific situation.

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