Trivia Crack is a trivia game with six different categories: Geography, History, Art, Science, Entertainment and Sports. You'll have to collect the characters that correspond to each one of the categories. Spin the wheel and chance will decide which category you will have to answer. If the wheel stops at the special slot, you'll be able to play for a character of your choice!
What's New in Version 1.8 ◉ Levels: level up as you progress through the questions. ◉ Achievements: new grid view. ◉ Bug fixes.
Uninstall your current Candy Crush app.
If you have the Facebook app, uninstall it for now (this process is important) but if you don't have the Facebook app proceed to step 4. -for pre-installed facebook app, go to settings/app/ find and disable facebook app
Download this APP MOD
Once downloaded, install the app and after that, open the app right away.
Once opened, then log in to your Facebook account.
You should be able to sync and play.
If you had uninstalled your Facebook app, you can install it again
MOD by: Robert Smali,