Cisco L2/L3 IOU Rack v3, this version is no longer a LiveCD, but Debian-based VM version, the original has been occupied, and now the package is released, and also unifies all previous versions of the IOU.
This version adds i86bi_linuxl2-upk9-ms network mirroring as well as bridging the real ability to solve many problems before, including memory, while adding a SSH, WEB server, support, equipment, topology and configuration are free to save, will not want to use CD-ROM version of the LiveCD to restore, as recommended version of VMware's high point, I use VMware Workstation 7, there is no test for the low version. If hands-on ability, and can extract the files inside, inside of Linux to run on their own.
If there are no major changes, this version should be the final version of the IOU Rack series, because the support to add their own things, so follow-up release, it will only file the corresponding topology experiments without a complete system.
Here to thank the following Taiwan's BX2AA, ANSI control code section, with reference to some of the script he wrote. This is also the use of specially recorded video, we reduce the problem of video content is still very rich.
Detailed instructions and examples:
Download Cisco L2/L3 IOU Rack v3, install VMware Workstation 7, and do some configuration: