The film follows Angelina (Ashley Hinshaw), a young woman on the verge of finishing high school, leading a very difficult life, because his mother is an alcoholic and his stepfather, violent. One day, her boyfriend suggests she take naked pictures for money and after hesitating she agrees and makes the photo session. In San Francisco, Angelina begins to work in a strip club, adopts the name of Cherry and knows a lawyer who takes her extravagant parties, until a client have a new world, the porn industry you.
Title in Brazil: Sweet Temptation Original title: About Cherry Year of Production: 2012 Release Date in Brazil: 2014 Genre: Drama Duration: 102min Directed by Stephen Elliott IMDB:
Size: 4.36 GB Quality: Blu-Ray File Format:. ISO Resolution: 853 x 480 Video codec: MPEG-2 Audio Codec: AC3 Languages Audio: English / Portuguese Subtitles: Portuguese