COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Update 2 | 272.6 mb COMSOL, Inc., a leading global provider of engineering simulation software, has released an update 2 to COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4, the latest version of its powerful platform for the modeling and simulation of electrical, mechanical, fluid, and chemical applications.
Update Details for Update 2:
COMSOL Multiphysics
Improved stability and GUI performance. The excluded entities features now work for constraints on all kinds of shape functions. Model files for Java® and MATLAB® for models created using the Range button are now correct. Corrected a problem when importing a geometry sequence from a file. Fixed some errors where derivatives incorrectly evaluated to zero. Normal vectors on virtual faces for models using interior mesh boundaries are now correct.
AC/DC Module
Stability improvements. Impedance boundary condition now works properly when used with Gauge Fixing in Magnetic Fields. SPICE .INCLUDE and .LIB directives now work correctly with absolute paths. Pin names in Subcircuit instances are now updated correctly when linked to Subcircuit definitions. Sector Symmetry in Rotating Machinery, Magnetic now works as expected. The Electric Displacement Field feature in Electrostatics is now compatible with out-of-plane thickness.
Acoustics Module
Fixed an error where interior edges were detected as free. Fixed an issue where PMLs show up in a transient interface. Fixed an issue where equations are not updated correctly when changing between options in the fluid model in Pressure Acoustics.
CFD Module
Stability improvements.
Chemical Reaction Engineering Module
Stability improvements. Improved naming of compounds in the Thermodynamics feature.
Corrosion Module
Fixed COMSOL crash issue when using Infinite Electrolyte in Time Dependent studies. Stability improvements.
Fatigue Module
Corrected display of the Matrix Histogram for the Stress Cycle Distribution and the Fatigue Usage Distribution when evaluating load history with constant load amplitude. Stability improvements.
Heat Transfer Module
Removed global variables from out-of-plane domain features. In the Conjugate Heat Transfer interface, the shape function of Twall now corresponds to the temperature shape function order. The Point Heat Source on Axis feature is now compatible with the Moving Mesh interface. Some missing global variable definitions have been added. Stability improvements.
MEMS Module
GUI improvements. Modified the material properties of Quartz to include both right-handed and left-handed properties defined according to the two commonly used standards.
Nonlinear Structural Materials Module
Stability improvements.
Optimization Module
The Optimization study step now accepts model parameters and units in initial values and bounds specified in the Control Variables and Parameters section. The MMA solver now handles general constraints correctly together with a minimax objective.
Particle Tracing Module
Corrected the initial particle velocity when using the Hamiltonian formulation and releasing particles with constant speed in a sphere, hemisphere, or cone. Stability improvements.
Pipe Flow Module
The von Karman friction model now works correctly.
Plasma Module
Corrected the definition of the rate expressions when using the Rate Coefficient option to specify surface reaction rates.
RF Module
Improved stability and GUI performance.
Semiconductor Module
Fixed an error occurring for models using two Semiconductor Material Model features. The out-of-plane thickness is now correctly taken into account for the Electric Displacement Field feature.
Subsurface Flow Module
Integrals involving the Mass flow pressure boundary variable in axisymmetric models using the Darcy’s Law interface now correctly account for the surface area.
Structural Mechanics Module
It is now possible to model friction together with rigid domains. Using rigid connectors in a Shell interface now works as expected also if the model contains a Solid Mechanics interface. Fixed a problem where solver sequence generation could fail for a Transient solver when using a Rigid Connector with a Mass and Moment of Inertia subnode in the Shell interface. Fixed a problem that sometimes lead to incorrect results of contact computations. Coriolis forces in frequency domain analysis have been corrected. Modified the material properties of Quartz to include both right-handed and left-handed properties defined according to the two commonly used standards. Gravity and Rotating frame are now available also in the Plate interface. Fixed an error where the principal stresses were not plotted in the Membrane interface. Built-in variables for wave speeds (solid.cp and solid.cs) are now available also for anisotropic materials in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Wave Optics Module
Perfectly matched layers now work properly with the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface. Surface current densities are now included for the individual waves for the PEC boundary condition. Field component names are now shown in the Electric Field boundary condition. Stability improvements.
ECAD Import Module
Fixed the ignore text option for ODB++ import. Fixed the import of board outline for ODB++ files. Fixed a wrong-unit issue with import of some symbols from ODB++ files. Fixed issue with the import of some oval symbols from ODB++ files. Fixed issue with the import of surfaces with holes from ODB++ files.
LiveLink™ for SolidWorks®
Improvements for synchronization of selections. Fixed issue with updating parameters that include a comment.
LiveLink™ for Inventor®
Fixed a localization issue for Korean language. Stability improvements.
Name: COMSOL Multiphysics Version: 4.4 Update 2 Home: Interface: multilanguage OS: Windows / MacOsx / Linux System Requirements: COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 preinstall Size: 272.6 mb